障礙越野 l 搏擊 l 自衛術 l 私人教練

我們是一對情侶健身拍檔,大家都叫我們Vigilante Fitness Couple!
來自美國東岸的Vigilante Fitness Couple帶著累積的健身,障礙越野和搏擊比賽經驗協助你創造健康,自信的新自己。我們每週在跑馬地馬場和銅鑼灣的維多利亞公園提供室外團體健身班以及室內,室外私人教練服務。
We created Vigilante Fitness as a way to spread our love for healthy living, our passion for exciting challenges, and our desire to bring more people to work out in the great outdoors. Originally from the East Coast of the United States, we have brought our experiences to the Pearl of the East, Hong Kong.
We believe the key to a sustainable healthy lifestyle is finding fun ways to incorporate exercise, tasteful eating habits, and a positive mindset. Be prepared as we may blow your mind debunking some common fitness myths and introduce you to some scary looking, but delicious smoothie recipes. We believe in making training fun, and making you feel badass. While there will always be ups and downs along the path, Team Vigilante will always have your back!
We offer weekly outdoor fitness and martial arts group classes, as well as private coaching for those who want training catered to your fitness goals, whether that be conquering the next Spartan obstacle course race, strengthening functional movements, or toning and sculpting your physique.
Our group classes are usually held in Causeway Bay's Victoria Park and Happy Valley Racecourse. For our private clients, we can travel to you, or meet at a central location to accommodate your needs.

Bold, untraditional, and practical fitness to achieve a stronger, more confident you.
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Vigilante Fitness Studio
Suite 803B, Eastern Centre
1065 Kings Road, Tai Koo Shing